ORICE welcomes inquiries from faculty members from all faculties at UBC regarding the design of community-engaged courses and curricula.
This includes consultation in course design, arranging community partnerships, and integrating intersectional and human-rights based frameworks and approaches (from our Collectives) and/or general ethical community-engaged principles into existing academic curricula. Examples of past collaborations can be seen below.
If you would like to learn more or speak with us further, please contact us at ubc.orice@ubc.ca to schedule a meeting with one of our advisors.
Specifically, we can offer support in the following areas:
- Pedagogy – ORICE can provide consultation for faculty members on best practices for integrating community-based experiential education pedagogies into a course design.
- Logistics – Our office maintains ongoing regional and international community partnerships with organizations that are interested in working with faculty and students for reciprocal benefits. ORICE will work with faculty to coordinate student arrangements such as transportation, accommodation, etc. and will provide ongoing support for student challenges/crises during placement.
- Student Preparation & Reflection – ORICE works within a co-education model with faculty to ensure that students are prepared for remote/international/immersive placements through a series of pre-departure learning sessions. In many cases, ORICE works with students to ensure sustained reflection throughout the placement and upon return to campus.
Past Collaborations
ORICE collaborated with Dr. Katherine Lyon on designing the Community Partner Interview Synthesis Assignment, in which students teams interview non-profit organizations that supported vulnerable communities during COVID-19 or other disasters. ORICE helped identify and connect with appropriate community organizations whose work aligned with the assignment's learning goals and had interest and capacity to engage with UBC students. ORICE also provided pedagogical and administrative support for the assignment during and after the course.
ORICE collaborated on a poster assignment in Dr. Chintalapati’s second-year Chemical and Biological Engineering Lab course with the intention of incorporating more Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) content. The poster assignment included systems thinking to analyze cases of industrial pollution exposure, identify stakeholders, and propose preventive measures.
ORICE collaborated on the experiential learning component of PPGA 391A, which offered a unique opportunity for undergraduate students to gain hands-on experience in the field of human rights work through term-long community partner projects. Students were placed into groups and paired with a specific community organization to collaborate on a specific deliverable throughout the term. ORICE identified eight community organizations within Canada that were involved in human rights work and helped develop specific projects that the students would complete for each organization, ensuring the organizations and projects aligned with the learning outcomes of the course, which included working with human rights organizations, helping them to develop and implement organizational policies and strategies for confronting human rights violations.