Global Experiential Education Program (GEEP)


The Global Experiential Education Program (GEEP) is an initiative by the UBC Office of Regional and International Community Engagement (ORICE). GEEP aims to strengthen the bridge between classroom learning (theory) and application (practice) to address pressing global issues. Through both types of programming, curricular (for-credit) and co-curricular (not-for-credit), GEEP will provide students with experiential education opportunities on projects designed and led by global community partners.

Upcoming Programming 

Application Deadline: September 22, 2024

Program Type: Curricular, International Immersive Placement

Duration: 5 weeks beginning in May 2025 + Pre-departure Program & Post-placement Activities

Eligibility: Open to UBC-V BSW or MSW students (Exceptions outlined on program page)

Application Deadline: Sunday, September 15th, 2024

Program Type: Co-curricular, UBC-based Community-Engaged Research Project

Duration: 3 months starting October 2024

Eligibility: UBC Vancouver undergraduate student with 60 or more completed credits as of August 31st, 2024

Application Deadline: Sunday, September 15th, 2024

Program Type: Co-curricular, UBC-based Community-Engaged Research Project

Duration: 7 months starting October 2024

Eligibility: UBC Vancouver undergraduate student with 60 or more completed credits as of August 31st, 2024

Application Deadline: Sunday, September 15th, 2024

Program Type: Co-curricular, Advocacy Project

Duration: 7 months starting October 2024

Eligibility: UBC Vancouver undergraduate student with 60 or more completed credits as of August 31st, 2024

Round 1 Application Deadline: Sunday, September 15th, 2024

Program Type: Co-curricular, UBC-based Community-Engaged Research Project

Duration: 4 months starting January 2025

Eligibility: UBC Vancouver undergraduate student with 60 or more completed credits as of December 31st, 2024

Program Structure

Students wishing to participate in GEEP can look at our current program offerings and apply to our curricular (for-credit) and/or co-curricular (not-for-credit) programming, depending on their interest, background, and level of commitment. Student project teams will be comprised of 3-5 students.

Different funding opportunities are available for each program. See the funding page here and check out more details under each specific project page.

Curricular programs are for-credit academic courses that integrate classroom learning with a community-based experiential learning opportunity. Our curricular offerings can cover a range of disciplines and topics.

Expected Duration: 1-4 months (Course Dependent)

Experiential Education Component

  • International Immersive Placement
  • Local Community-Based Project

Past ORICE Curricular Programs

Co-curricular programs (not-for-credit, unpaid opportunities) are co-designed by ORICE and a specific community organization to address particular global issues/themes through a project.

Expected Duration: 2 weeks to 8 months (Project Dependent)

Types of Projects

  • Community-Engaged Research Projects 
  • Advocacy Projects

Experiential Education Component

  • Placement-Based: International placement with a community organization abroad to complete a project
  • UBC-Based: Program encompasses remote and in-person activities at the UBC-V campus

Past ORICE Co-curricular Programs


Over the past years, ORICE has provided both curricular and co-curricular programs aimed at fostering significant connections between students, faculty, and community organizations across the globe. Through these tailored opportunities, students were asked to engage with the values and principles of ethical community-engaged practice to prioritize the goals of our community partners and collaborate on projects together.

The Global Experiential Education Program (GEEP) represents an extension of ORICE’s existing curricular and co-curricular initiatives, enabling each program to align with our core values and objectives.

Throughout its existence and now through the Global Experiential Education Program (GEEP), ORICE has sought to unsettle common ideas of where knowledge and expertise are created and held. ORICE recognizes the significance of abandoning prominent top-down approaches to knowledge and expertise when addressing global crises. The Global Experiential Education Program (GEEP) embodies this quality by prioritizing collaborative learning and grassroots solutions.

GEEP prioritizes the collaboration between community and academic spaces to co-learn, co-design, and co-imagine. Ultimately, GEEP prepares students for when they leave academia and enter the world by providing alternative models to work with and within communities. 

Collaboration with the Collectives 

ORICE houses two collectives: the UBC Human Rights Collective and the Gender+ in Research Collective. The Collectives support the aims and project goals of some GEEP programming by providing resources for the students and organizations or collaborating in their development. Collaboration with the Collectives leverages connections between scholars, practitioners, and students.

Program Values and Approaches 

The Global Experiential Education Program ascribes to ORICE’s values and pedagogical approaches. These guide GEEP’s curricular and co-curricular programming. 

Why Participate in GEEP? 

Through the Global Experiential Education Program (GEEP), you can:

  • Apply your academic knowledge to complex global issues
  • Gain experience with community-based research/community engagement
  • Work with and learn from community partners
  • Learn to work with principles of ethical community-engaged practice
  • Gain course credits or relevant academic/career experience