Literacy and Community Development: Uganda

Literacy and Community Development: Uganda

Program Overview

Eligibility Criteria

Open to all UBC students. Those with disciplines in Applied Sciences and/or Social Sciences encouraged to apply.

Program Description

This program is placed in the rural regions of central and southwestern Uganda, with two community partners – the Kitengesa Community Library (KCL) and the Ibanda Community Library (ICL). The Ibanda Community Library, placed 1 km from Ibanda, was initiated in 2014. Its main objective is to promote a reading culture and provide reading materials in surrounding community schools where there aren’t currently reading materials available. Additionally the community library provides an opportunity for interactive learning with people from different cultures and educational backgrounds to build social networks. This is crucial for learning and interaction for community development.

The second community partner that interns will be working with is the Kitengesa Community Library. KCL aims to promote reading culture and provide a space for interactive learning. Such opportunities provide a conducive atmosphere to learn about different cultures, conduct research and build a social network. All of which are crucial for learning and interacting within community development. The library is the heart of the community, providing a space for many different groups to come together and interact.

Interns will be working with the ICL on promoting reading culture, engaging with local community members, as well as assisting in everyday library programs and activities.

Interns will work with the library staff in reading activities in the surrounding schools as well as assisting with organizational work within the library.

These placements will require a high degree of initiative and problem-solving – you will be given the vision but will need to work closely with ICL and KCL staff to figure out how to work toward that vision, with very few resources. This will involve building effective relationships within the communities, developing a plan in collaboration with library/resource centre staff, and developing strategies for these projects.

The aim of these partnerships is to provide assistance to the libraries while learning about community development in Uganda. This will also develop understanding of the role of community spaces in providing necessary resources to various demographics, understanding the complex issues surrounding poverty and community development, and to appreciate the social, economic, and cultural factors relevant in development projects and international engagement.

Program Dates

Date Activity
October 9, 2017 Program applications accepted until full OR until 11:59pm on Monday, October 9th, 2017, whichever comes first.
Late October – November 2017 Orientation and pre-departure learning sessions (all successful applicants will be expected to be in attendance at all sessions)
January – April 2018 12 weeks of fieldwork in an International Service Learning placement
Late April – May 2018 Re-entry debrief and Public Engagement Event

**Please note these dates may be adjusted but will be confirmed prior to offer.

Program Costs

The costs below are per student and are yet to be fully determined, but will be within the following ranges.

Location Program Fee
Uganda $3,700 – $4,000*