
Support the bridging of academia, civil society and the world around us through collaborations on global issues.

The Office of Regional and International Community Engagement (ORICE) is comprised of a team of students, staff, faculty, and community partners working to bridge the gap between academia, civil society and the world around us through collaborations on global issues.

ORICE’s work takes students beyond the classroom to engage with complex issues facing communities through collaboration, integrating community and disciplinary knowledge. We aim to make meaningful connections between students’ academic learning and society through experiential learning. As an interdisciplinary hub, ORICE works across faculties, with community organizations, policy leaders and students to deliver innovative and engaging alternatives to existing challenges.

Reflections from ORICE Alumni:

“Reflexive practice is important for me because it is about continuously adapting and re-evaluating as you learn. This is important as there are unintended effects in any project. In dealing with social justice issues, we need to be constantly critical of ourselves and the work we are doing.”
Student in SDG Praxis program, 2020


“My experience with the program has solidified my passions and interest in working with community on a grassroots level, and has shaped the way in which I encounter problems whether that be in doing research or in relationships with community. My experience has motivated me to merge my love for Anthropology with doing ethical, community-centred work and research.”
ISL Participant 2019


“I think some of the most important lessons that have stuck with me are how challenging it is to sit with the complexity of societal problems, and to be really careful when making assumptions. I really appreciated the way forum theatre was used to make those lessons all the more immediate and tangible”
Student in ASTU 401G, 2018

Invest in our students today!

The ORICE programs funds support crucial activities such as community-based research, community-based experiential learning, policy engagement, annual symposia and workshops, as well as our research collectives: the Gender+ in Research Collective and the Human Rights Collective. Your support reduces barriers for students to participate and allows our office to continue to provide high-quality, community-focused programming for UBC students looking to integrate academia with the world around them.

We thank you for your donation to support the work of the Office of Regional and International Community Engagement.


To learn about different ways to give or how you can get involved, please contact:

Tamara Baldwin
Director, Office of Regional and International Community Engagement

Karen Affleck
Director, Faculty of Arts, Development and Alumni Engagement
Tel: 604.822.3812

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