Get Involved

Get involved with community-engaged and experiential education opportunities at UBC. These opportunities bring community partner work to the UBC Vancouver campus allowing you to connect academic studies with world experience.

Job Opportunities

Discover current job opportunities within the Office of Regional and International Community Engagement (ORICE).

Faculty Collaborations

ORICE welcomes inquiries from faculty members from all faculties at UBC regarding the design and collaboration of regional and international community-engaged courses & curricula. 


Subscribe to the ORICE Newsletter for engaging articles, stories, and updates about what we’ve been up. Published occasionally, our newsletter has carefully curated content about the exciting projects we’re working on and opportunities to get involved.

Contact Us

Find out how you can contact our ORICE staff here.


Invest in our students today! Your support reduces barriers for students to participate and allows our office to continue to provide high-quality, community-focused programming for UBC students looking to integrate academia with the world around them.

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